Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour

Name: Soyuz-4 descent module      Volume: 5.2 yard3 / 4 m3
Weight: 6,394.7 lbs / 2,9 t Crew: 1-3 person
Diameter: 7.2 ft / 2,2 m Date of launch: January 14, 1969

Star City: Russian Space Museum Tour Itinerary:

You will be transferred to the Russian Star City, located in 15.5 miles / 25 km to the east from Moscow, by the company's comfortable bus, together with a interpreter from your Hotel or other place specified by you.

The specialists of the Star City (Russia) will tell about 50-year history of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center and 40-year history of the Space Museum.

In halls of the Space Museum the unique exhibits reflecting all stages of manned space flights are collected: from the legendary Vostok spacecraft up to the Mir Space Station and the International Space Station.

In the Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour you will see:

  • real uniform and awards of Yuri Gagarin, Vladimir Komarov, Pavel Belyaev
  • real awards and suits, in which Georgi Dobrovolsky, Vladimir Volkov, Viktor Patsayev worked and were lost at first, manned Salyut Space Station
  • real ��-1, Berkut, Sokol, ORLAN space suits, in which the cosmonauts worked in space, including in a outer space
  • cockpit of the Vostok spacecraft, simulator in which Yuri Gagarin and the first crew of the soviet cosmonauts trained
  • real descent capsule of the Vostok spacecraft
  • real descent capsule of the Soyuz-4 spacecraft
  • real docking node (Soyuz-19 and Apollo-18 spacecrafts)
  • real space equipment, devices including armchair for trainings, Chibis preventive vacuum suit
  • real office room of Yuri Gagarin. Traditionally, Russian and international crews before their space flights with Baikonur Cosmodrome
  • visit this office room
  • official documents, flags, badges, international gifts to the Soviet and Russian cosmonauts and other exhibits

In the end of Star City: Russian Space Museum Tour you can buy souvenirs.

Details of Tour:

*The price of Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour is given for group of 3 person. Price for this Star City Russia: Museum Tour (Moscow) is a group price: the more tourists in the group, the lower the price for each tourist. Therefore, contact us to specify the price for the actual group of tourists or for one tourist.

The duration of Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour (from departure before returning) no more than 3.5 - 4.0 hours. You have to send passport information not later than 15 days before arrival to Moscow. You can pay for Star City, Russia: Museum Tour after his end. Please look others conditions and details of the reservation for Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour.

Options of Tour:

Please, contact RusAdventures before Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour if you are interested in:

  • Russian space food (after Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour) - tuba with juice, bread (white/black), sweets (prunes or dried apricots/nuts/chocolate)
  • dinner or supper with Russian cosmonaut in the restaurant of the Star City (before Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour or after this Star City Space Museum Tour)
  • association of several tours in Star City (Moscow). For example, Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour and Russian Star City: Space Tour or Star City Russian Tour: Space Simulators
  • second/third Russian Space Museum Tour. For example, Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour and Russian Main Space Museum or Russian Museum Space Suits or Moscow Space Museum or other Russian Space Museum (before before Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour or after Star City Russian Space Museum Tour or on any day of your staying in Moscow)
  • other tours in Moscow or Moscow Region (at your choice) and also
  • combining business in Russia and Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour during your visit to Moscow

Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour 

Look exhibits of Space Museum!

In the Space Museum of Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (Star City Russia, Moscow Region) are collected unique collections of space vehicles, simulators, space suits and various outfit of cosmonauts, scientific equipments, documents and personal things, awards and gifts of the first Soviet cosmonauts. 20 000 exhibits of the Museum will help you to learn history of manned space flights in the USSR and Russia, a life and a feat of the first cosmonaut of the world of Yuri Gagarin. is the best offer on visit to Star City (Moscow), to the Space Museum. Touch in exhibits of the Space Museum of Star City Russian together with

Dates of Tour:

The Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour is possible in any workday of the week. On Saturday and Sunday, as well as on official State Holidays of Russia the Star City (Moscow) is closed and the Star City: Russian Space Museum Tour is not possible.

$ 165.00 per person *   
Get Reservation right here

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If you see prices lower than ours - all the same our prices will be below. 

Star City: Russian Space Museum Tour includes:

  • permission for entry and visiting of the Russian Star City
  • transfers between your Moscow Hotel (or other place in Moscow) and Star City, Russia
  • special Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour (1.5 - 2.0 hours)
  • interpreter (English, German, French)
  • your photographing and video in the Space Museum, Star City, Russia
  • digital photos (you and a Space Museum, Star City, Moscow), photographer from RusAdventures
  • assistance from RusAdventures

Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour

Christopher Stewart (USA) is surprised and admired by exhibits of the Space Museum in Star City. He regrets, that did not know about Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour earlier.

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Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour
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